

I am addicted. A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D.

Before the Next Xbox Experience update, I knew I'd be switching from BallBuster's service. BB continues to be a headache. Every few months, BB changes their terms of service and / or increases the monthly charge.

Netflix allows an unparalleled service. Streaming on the 360. Right now I have almost 15 or 20 movies queued and ready to stream instantly. I'd say it's infinitely better than getting one movie in the mail and exchanging one in-store. Most of the time, the movie you want in the store at BB is unavailable.

Like, Ghostbusters.

Surprisingly, standard definition looks good on a 56" HDTV. It's not great, but on par with renting a standard def DVD.

HD streaming is where I am really amazed. I queued Heroes (hate the show) to see what it looked like. It's strikingly similar to HD quality from DirecTV. It's a little compressed, but very very good.

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What's Mellow doing?