Officially back from vacation. The cruise was great fun besides the dreadful night with 50 mph winds hammering the boat. And yes, it was affecting me mentally. Big Time.
I'm pretty good on boats. Never had any problems and no seasickness. No fear.
Being in a massive boat, flipping through tv channels and seeing the scene in Titanic with all the dead people in the sea and having winds rock the boat from left to right frightened me just a little bit. It was enough to make me feel claustrophobic, and at some point that night I lost the ability to breathe. That was until I turned on a nightlight.
Anyway, I get home and realize I have six games on my plate to finish and adding one more this Friday.
Here's the list:
Fable 2, FarCry 2, LittleBigPlanet, Dead Planet, Fallout 3 and Penny Arcade Episode 2. Friday brings Gears of War 2. Not to mention Left 4 Dead next week...
We return at 5:30pm.
I put in Rock Band 2 with wife at 6 something. Then Fable 2 with her soon after that.
She goes to shower and I put on the Mirror's Edge demo. Wonderfully amazing and intuitive. First person experiences will change after that game.
FarCry 2 goes in for an hour. Fallout 3 goes in for an hour. Penny Arcade goes in for an hour.
Head asplodes, and I decide to sleep.
I've decided to make a schedule on which games to play on which days at what time and for how long. You'd think I was dealing with a monumental crisis.
I am.
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