
Tropic Thunder and Bigfoot.

The movie foursome experienced Tropic Thunder last night. And, I really mean it's an experience.

Funny as hell? Check. FanFREAKINGtastic action? Check. Tom Cruise? Yeah? Yep. He's totally redeemed himself here. I promise.

Without giving too much away, this is a movie everyone should see. It's smart, over-the-top and incredibly gut wrenchingly funny. I wept. I wept because I was laughing harder than I can remember laughing in a movie.

Make sure you don't go with the mindset, "Oh, nothing happens in the first 15 minutes. I can be late." No, you need to get there early and sit your butt down. You need to see the fake ad and movie trailers for the characters in the movie.

What I loved most was Stiller's ability to build upon his jokes. They weren't just funny one liners. These jokes build with great payoff. And of course, Tom Cruise. You'll quote him for life. Just wait until he tells you to take a step back.

Now, if you're protesting this movie because of the mentally disabled fiasco, you're an idiot. Sorry, but that's what you get for taking things out of context and not giving the movie a chance. It's not humiliating the disabled. Rather, it's humiliating the actors in those roles.

See it. See it more than once. This is our generation's comedy that sets the bar higher. I thought Pineapple was good. Man, this was pure comedy bliss.

Oh, and Bigfoot was apparently found in north Georgia. There's a conference being held Friday with video, pictures and a DNA test. Craziness.

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