
Congratulations! Your new voting facility is your Xbox!?

Wow. I really wouldn't have seen this coming, but it makes a lot of sense to me.

Rock the Vote has joined with Microsoft to bring some interesting new functionality to the 360. Surprisingly, I'm leaning on the side that thinks it's a good idea.

As it stands now, people will be able to register for the upcoming election, participate in polls and "voice" opinions. Okay. The last two things I couldn't care less about. But, registering to vote? On your 360? Honestly, I think it's a good idea. Why not be able to do that? If you can't do it online already, you should be able to. That's the one thing that kept me from voting last election because, yeah, I'm a little lazy.

I don't want to go out of my way to register and to vote. If you can vote from your 360 in the future, or online for that matter, I'll vote. Something about going out of my way and standing in line for a long time to vote doesn't appeal to me.

Especially when my one vote really really doesn't matter.

via Gizmodo

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