
Just two dudes sniping.

I've played my fair share of games on Live since it was first established back in 2003. Games have had their exhilarating moments. Halo in particular, but nothing quite matched what happened last night.

At first I sign on since I was a little late for my scheduled Halo match with some Le Mediocrity folk. A little being 45 minutes, but who's counting when they're playing Halo, huh? Turns out, the games were rather lame. The people are cool, but the customs were boring. It's not good when you'd rather switch an input and watch your PS3 download bar inch along until it's 100%.

Then I saw my salvation. A buddy was actually on playing Bad Company!

I've taken the game for a spin online the first day it arrived from Gamefly. Fun. Even though the hit detection is a little off at random times, it's still fun. But, I didn't have any friends that had the game. So, I joined up.

What took place was pure bliss. Two dudes sniping.

On each map, we'd find a perfect spot with a great view of the map. Both of us crouched side by side looking in different directions. I'd spot some enemies trying to hide in their "perfect" location across the map. Each time we'd pick them off.

Nothing's better than hanging out with a bud, chillin' and poppin' heads. (Like, head shots because that sounded kinda...weird...)

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